L. Zane Shuck

Shuck, L. 3130860_4266551 TP.jpg

Title: Research Scientist and Engineer
Location:  Morgantown, West Virginia, United States

Dr. L. Zane Shuck, research scientist and engineer, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Engineers for dedication, achievements, and leadership in advancing the state-of-the-art in multiple diverse disciplines.



60 years professional experience, including: college and university teaching,  research and administration; planning, conducting and managing national energy research programs; consulting & employed in design and sales in manufacturing industry; oil and gas well operator in WV & OH including developing over 65 wells; conducting interdisciplinary research in biomechanics (patents), hydraulic fracturing (15-patents) rheology,  human gut gastroenterology (5-patents), and, proprietor and executive officer in consulting and R & D companies. Inventor, and real estate developer. Elected to Tau Beta Pi & Sigma Xi Engineering Honorary Societies; Member/officer/organizer in several professional societies such as ASEE, ASME, SPE, NSPE.

Founder and President, Technology Development Inc. (1980-present)

Founder and President, The WMAC Foundation non-profit (1997-present)

WVU, Professor Mechanical Engineering and Associate Director, Engineering

Experiment Station. Member Graduate Faculty, master and doctoral theses advisor

(1976-80). WVU Adjunct Professor (1980-85)

US Dept. of Energy, Supervisory Mechanical Engineer (1970-76)

National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellow, & Res. Engineer WVU (1968-70)

W.Va. Tech, Associate Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (1960-65); Sabbatical 1966


BSME – W.Va. Institute of Technology, 1958

MSME -West Virginia University, 1965

Ph.D. – West Virginia University, 1970 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Biomechanics

Graduate, post-doctoral, and summer programs at Iowa State University (1962), Wayne State University (1965), and summer programs Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1961, 1962, 1963, 1965);

Numerous supervision, management, and new computer technology training courses


62 publications, 25 patents (including first patent ever awarded through WVU), Producer 3 technical films for U.S. Dept of Energy; Supervision/Comm. WVU 5 masters theses and 8 Ph.D. dissertations

5 new patents 2013-2018 New Human Healthcare Gastrointestinal Research & Patient Treatment System


Member, WV Region VI Planning and Development Council (2000 – present)

Member, Morgantown Chamber of Commerce Vision 2000 Infrastructure Comm. (1992 – 01)

Chairperson, Monongalia Co. West Run Expressway Committee (2000)

Member, Dunkard Creek Watershed Association (1997 – 2005)

Founder and Chair, Appalachian Rivers Conference & Exhibit 1998,1999, 2000. Co-sponsored by and held at the U.S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, ’99 and ’00.

Member, WVU – WVU Tech Colleges of Engineering Advisory Committee, (2002 – 2018)
Member, State of WV Governor Rockefeller appointed Coal & Energy Advisory Committee 7-1-78 to 6-30-81

Science Advisor WV Governor John D. Rockefeller IV (78-81);


Registered Professional Engineer, WV & OH; Certified by National Council of Engineering Examiners; Science and Technology Coordinator WV Legislature (79-80); ASTM Award (70);  ASME Ralph James National Award (80);  Editor Transactions Journals and Symposia Proceedings; Licensed Surveyor WV;  WVU honor of “The L. Zane Shuck Nanobiotechnology Laboratory”; 18 invited national lectures; US Dept. of Energy Award “Most patents awarded in one year ever by any federal government employee”(1975);  security Q clearance; Founder and President National Society for Innovators and Entrepreneurs (2012). Who’s Who, WV Inventors Council;(2019) Marquis Who’s Who Top Research Scientist/Engrs.in US, Lifetime Achiever Awards

Perspective of the Life and Career of L. Zane Shuck

Born 10-23-1936, in Bluefield, WV, he grew up on a 183-acre farm (divided by the Bluestone River) that had been in the family for over 100 years, and his Great Grandfather, Irving H. Bailey, and Grandfather Grover C. Wright farmed it for a living. L. Zane Shuck lived across the River on a tract of land granted to his parents from his Grandfather Wright. In addition to hunting and fishing, he earned spending money by trapping mink, muskrat, and raccoons and selling their pelts. In perspective, he grew up as a child working with his father who could make or repair about anything including watches and clocks and carpentry like beautiful gun stalks, and working for his grandfather in spare time in his blacksmith shop making and repairing any tools needed on the farm. Thus, he inherited the pleasure of making things, whether in a welding or machine shop, electrical repair, carpentry shop, or later in a high-tech research lab. Over the years as an engineer, in addition to inventing and making advanced instrumentation devices, such as hydrophones, pressure transducers, et. al., he engaged in such interesting projects as designing and building, with help of one bulldozer contractor and a couple of helpers and using prestressed concrete beams, a 92’ single span bridge across Bluestone River that divided his 183-acre farm (see picture). He also leveled floors in a downtown 5-story building with 3 helpers by jacking the 30’ wide by 90’ long building up 5-1/2” at the rooftop level from the basement and first floor inside the building using 8” x 8” x 30’ long steel WF beams, and using only two small 6” dia. x 8” high, 10,000 psi hydraulic jacks and two hand pumps in about 3 weeks. In addition, after retiring, he has enjoyed buying old houses and renovating them from foundation to roof and adding miscellaneous innovative architectural features. As part of his satisfaction in designing and making things, and as a hobby in his spare time, he also has made a variety of pottery pieces for friends and was asked to enter one in a tri-state competition, which actually won the grand prize at the contest. (see picture) He hopes to return to this hobby soon.

In his early years he attended Mercer County, WV schools in Rock, Princeton, Bluefield and Matoaka. Upon graduation from Matoaka High School in 1954, his parents, Carl O. Shuck and Notre Dame Shuck, enrolled him in West Virginia Institute of Technology in Montgomery, WV where he spent 4 years and received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1958. He launched his engineering career at West Virginia Armature Co. in Bluefield, WV, as a sales and design engineer immediately upon receiving his BSME degree. A year later though he accepted an offer to return to West Virginia Institute of Technology as an Instructor. He pursued every opportunity to further his education including 3 NSF graduate scholarships, 4 Ford Foundation fellowships, and special summer programs at Iowa State University, Wayne State University, and 4 summer programs at MIT, and along the way received his MSME degree from WVU in 1965. He was rapidly promoted in steps to Associate Professor and Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department. In 1966 he was awarded Sabbatical Leave to pursue a Ph. D. at WVU, and then he returned to Tech through 1967. He then returned under a NSF scholarship to WVU in 1968 as a National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellow and Research Engineer in biomechanics and researched human brain tissue rheological properties for his Ph.D. dissertation, and whereupon he received a Ph. D. from WVU in 1970, and his first U. S. patent on a dynamic piezoelectric transducer. He also received an award from WVU for it being the first patent ever issued through WVU.

Meanwhile, during pursuit of his MSME and Ph. D., he passed State exams and became a Registered Professional Engineer in WV and Ohio and became certified by the National Council of Engineering Examiners. During this time, he also consulted with several companies, starting with surveying properties and staking the locations for new oil and gas wells. One very interesting job involved him as chief stress analysis consultant for FMC-Dow Chemical Co. in analyzing and redesigning a totally new design unit train of all aluminum welded construction with underneath clam doors the full length of the hopper cars that opened while slowly moving to unload granular cargo. During prototype testing, the train failed the required 5 mile/hour impact into a solid stone wall test, when the clam doors on bottom of the cars came open and dumped the loads. With Dr. Shuck’s structural analysis and redesign modifications, the hopper cars passed the tests. During this time Dr. Shuck also consulted for the United Fuel Gas Co., the WV Southern Public Service Co., the Studebaker Corp, and the West Virginia Air Pollution Control Commission.

Then in 1970 to 1976, he served as a Supervisory Mechanical Engineer and Projects Leader in oil and gas extraction technology at the Morgantown Energy Research Center (MERC) of the US Department of Energy, where he received 17 more patents in only six years, and a U. S. Department of Energy Award for obtaining the most patents (7) in one year than any other federal government employee ever throughout history. He was active in advancing hydraulic fracturing, directional drilling, and underground coal gasification technologies, characterizing the Upper Devonian Shales, setting up the first computer center at the MERC, and many hydraulic fracturing laboratory and field projects and technology transfer associated with his research activities. During this period, he was also an Adjunct Professor at WVU. 

In 1976, Dr. Shuck accepted an academic administrative position as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and equivalent Associate Dean for Research, in the WVU College of Engineering until 1980, when he founded his own R & D company, Technology Development Inc, to respond to the booming oil and gas industry. He then ended up drilling and completing 65 oil and gas wells, mostly in the Upper Devonian Shales, which he had previously researched and helped develop various extraction technologies for, at the U. S. Dept. of Energy Morgantown Energy Research Center in the early 70s. When the gas price crashed in the late 1980s, he stopped accepting investments from friends and others, and retired from drilling wells, but not from advancing technologies of interest to him.

Around 2010, he learned he was “gluten sensitive” and encountered a temporary, but severe, memory loss until he went totally 100% gluten free. After about 3 months of being totally gluten free along with antibiotics, his memory slowly returned, and in a year, even better than it had been for many years. This entire episode, and associating it with family history and their health issues, totally occupied his attention and curiosity. Picking up from his background in biomechanics 35 years ago, and as an avid researcher, especially in modeling and research methodology, he aggressively pursued an understanding of gut mechanisms and processes in general, and the so-called “gluten sensitivity” umbrella term in medical profession for many symptoms and diseases. This entailed crash courses in microbiology, gastroenterology, digestive processes, human gut anatomy, molecular biology, and numerous other related topics covered in medical curricula. This was about the time when the NIH human microbiome studies were beginning, but the human gut microbiome was seldom, if at all, mentioned then in the literature. After over a year of controlled diet research experiments during 2010-11, on his own body and with all the data and observations, he created several hypotheses, which led to a U. S. patent application, and after a couple of years review resulted in a patent award dated July 23, 2013. But this was only the beginning of Dr. Shuck’s GI tract research. He started creating “An Engineer’s Model of the Human Gut”, but it finally dawned upon him that there are not only 3,000 or so largely unknown microbial strains/species (variables), each with at least one byproduct variable (6,000 total minimal variables), but transient, cascade variables and processes all along the 28’ or so of the GI tract. This “Engineer’s Model of the Gut” project was put on hold until tons more of information become available, which then resulted in 4 more patents, that constitutes his new human healthcare system based in the GI tract, which is under development. At minimum, there are over 6,000 partial differential equations with variable coefficients that are functions of functionals that must be solved simultaneously. Given sufficient data, such as can be provided by the 5-patent system, these solutions become tractable.

During this same 2010 era, the oil and gas extraction technology Dr. Shuck had worked on in the 1970s matured and directional drilling became successful for 10,000’ horizontal laterals or more for Marcellus Shale wells. The evolved directional drilling capability was the enabling technology, not any new hydraulic fracturing technology as often reported. The hydraulic fracturing technology developed for vertical wells, that was simply applied with brute force to long horizontal laterals drilled through the reservoir and intersecting the natural vertical fractures (NVFs) with an average 10’ spacing intersecting the wellbore, created irreversible devastating problems. As Dr. Shuck discovered, during cementing 10,000’ of horizontal pipe or more 7,500’ deep, the high cement hydrostatic combined with pumping pressures are sufficient to penetrate the NVFs, and hydraulically frac the shale with cement, thereby cocooning and reducing the world’s energy supplies of original oil and gas in place by as much as 50% forever. This is evidenced by 80% decline in gas wells in two years and only 20% instead of the normal 65% original gas in place being recovered. Dr. Shuck has invented processes to solve this problem. However, due to the huge number of wells being drilled that created the gas glut and low prices in spite of the devastating low recovery efficiency, the tragedy has been masqueraded, and with the current low gas prices, demonstration of his invented technology must wait. However, he believes the mask will soon come off! Thus, Dr. Shuck has refocused his research interests onto this monumental dilemma since the same reservoir cocooning technology is used all around the world by the same companies, even today. 

So, this partially explains why Dr. Shuck is engaged in researching, perhaps, the two most diverse, complex, and challenging disciplines possible, involving the human gut microbiome with way over 6,000 undefined, uncharacterized variables, and oil and gas extraction processes 7,500’ deep with10,000’ to 20,000’ long laterals through the shales. What problems and disciplines could be more different, or for that matter, more difficult? With his 5-patent gut research and patient treatment system, and 16 patents and more applications pending now in oil and gas extraction technology, he has created the foundations upon which successful technologies in both fields can evolve, and appear eminent.

In summary, Dr. Shuck’s professional career has evolved to help advance state-of-the-art of two very important, diverse disciplines: 1) human gastrointestinal tract microbe strains and species roles that contribute to 34 symptoms in various combinations, and are hypothesized to actually be the causative mechanisms in up to 53 major human specific diseases, and 2) inventing less expensive and higher recovery efficiency oil and gas extraction processes (patents pending). In the more than six decades of his career, Dr. Shuck has remained busy as an engineer, educator and researcher. His achievements include being the first to hypothesize the discrete jump nature of fracture growth in such materials as sandstones, limestone, and shales during hydraulic fracturing and experimentally proved it in the laboratory, and was the first to analyze and predict the 3-dimensional stress distribution in the Earth’s crust during hydraulic fracturing and demonstrate the feasibility of re-orienting the Earth’s stress field sufficiently to control the orientation of new induced fractures. Furthermore, his research resulted in the discovery of criteria required for altering in situ stress fields to change propagating fracture orientation. Using microseismic emission mapping techniques and a special 12- hydrophone array system he designed, built and deployed 2,000’ deep in the Bradford 3rd sand in Bradford, PA, he mapped for the first time the orientation of hydraulically induced vertical fractures propagating during a mini hydraulic fracturing experiment in Bradford, PA in 1974-75. As part of this and other research he wrote the scripts and produced 3 technical films for the U. S. Department of Energy.

Dr. Shuck is also known for discovering and hypothesizing important roles the human microbiome roles play in symptoms and diseases, including temporary memory loss from which he experienced severely for about 3 months and then after about a year recovered better than previous 30 years, and GI tract issues from which he also over a period of 5 or more years satisfactorily recovered. He has several hypothesized theories pertaining to gut microbiome roles in “gluten sensitivities” and other diseases in the neurological and gastrointestinal systems, such as, autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, IBS, Alopecia, and other nutrient-deficient, autoimmune system, and inflammatory-based diseases, for which he is preparing mathematical and physiological models and manuscripts. Dr. Shuck believes the human brain and GI tract, which are in constant communication, are the two most complex and sophisticated systems to model on earth, and many diseases are coupled to both systems. Since medical physicians can only treat the symptoms of diseases because the causes, except for a couple, remain unknown, cures of diseases are not possible. The Dr. Shuck 5-patent gut healthcare system is specifically designed not only as a patient treatment tool, but as a fundamental research tool to discover causative mechanisms involving microbes and their processes, and from which 1,000’s of evolutionary research projects can emerge in most disciplines of major human diseases. Determining the actual causative mechanism of any one major disease for the first time in human history would be a success of transformative proportions.  

Dr. Shuck has authored 57 publications, given 18 invited national lectures, organized 10 national professional conferences, written scripts and produced 3 technical films for the U.S. Department of Energy, received 20 U.S. Patents, and served on 5 master’s degree thesis, and 8 doctoral dissertation committees in mechanical engineering, and served as Science Advisor to then WV Governor Jay Rockefeller. He is the recipient of several awards, including 1st patent issued through WVU, a Ralph James National Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a U.S. Department of Energy Award for “Most Patents Awarded in One Year (7) Ever by a Federal Government Employee” and a Materials Testing Award from the American Society for Testing and Materials, and Who’s Who Top Research Scientist and Engineer. In addition, West Virginia University honored Dr. Shuck in 2016 by the naming a laboratory in recognition of his work. The “L. Zane Shuck Nanobiotechnology Laboratory” was established on the engineering campus in Morgantown in 2016.

Philosophically, as a research scientist and engineer, “He remains mesmerized by all the simultaneously acting in symphony manifestations of all the laws of nature (variables) every second in our lives, while some create model functions with only one or two variables; the epitome of myopia!  Whether for diseases with a minimum of 6,000+ variables, or climate change, billions of research dollars spent per year are for naught, while coincidence reins for all.


He is blessed to have a wonderful daughter, Kirsten Berman, MD. and son-in-law Ari Berman, MD., who gave him 3 wonderful, creative and innovative grandchildren, Isabel, Gabriel, and Matthew Carl, and have his wonderful 40-year companion Linda Stalnaker, who has accompanied him on his eventful journey.  It is also great to have a very capable business partner, protege since 13 years old, and friend like Lee M. Lewis, now pursuing his Ph. D., to help implement innovations, and a diligent 30-year property manager like Emanuel Billiris to respond when duty calls. 

CONTACT:   [email protected]       304-288-0919

SOME LAWS OF NATURE Award Winning Pottery Jar 


Etiology Lives Here – – In The Gut


U.S. PATENTS:   US 8,491,495 B1, US 8,915,863 B2, US 8,926,526 B2, US 9,215,997 B2, US 9,955,922 B2 

By: Inventor, L. Zane Shuck, Ph.D., P.E.    



These five patented capsule devices, methodologies and systems, when combined, address as many as 34 symptoms in various combinations, associated with as many as 53 major human health diseases, for which no cures are known and only symptoms are treated.  This comprehensive system and methodologies constitute a new human healthcare system.  These 53 major human diseases are known, acknowledged, and cited by medical professionals to have their origin in the human gut, which is also the origin of the various 34 symptoms. Each of the patented capsules represents a different process that is essential to researching, exploring, discovering, bracketing, diagnosing, and treating at the source, the actual causes of these 53 major human diseases. After creating statistical profile mapping of the gut microbiome and their cascaded byproducts, bracketing and treating the causes of the diseases at the precise locations in the gut, then associating some 3,000 strains and species of microbes with their specific endotoxins should result in a very high probability of discovering for the first time in history the actual causes of these 53 major human diseases, and it then becomes feasible to lead to the actual cures of the diseases, some of which, were identified over 8,000 years ago.  Each of these five patented inventions is also a subsystem that performs independent functions, all of which is essential to constitute an overall patient diagnostic and treatment system. The human gastrointestinal tract and its microbiome is believed to be the most sophisticated system, with the most independent and dependent variables, and variable coefficients spanning the full spectrum of science and engineering disciplines, known to mankind. The inaccessibility of the small intestine where the most important phenomena occur, and the thousands of species and strains of microbes, of which many have never been identified or characterized, creates a number of probabilities of one in trillions for conventional statistical medical research methodology. The gut ecosystem consists of many symbiotic, coincident, codependent, sequential, transient, time and space dependent processes with feedback, which renders statistical research means virtually impossible, if not an absurd waste of money and resources. Current “studies” correlating symptoms, diets, diseases and genetics with each other is largely a huge waste, because they are all coincidental with the same unknown variables! Each invented capsule performs unique functions, such that when all combined, should reduce the number of variables to a tractable number. Thus, the few remaining principal, strong variables, along with diet and other control protocols, should allow construction of models of the basic causative mechanisms and actual causes of the diseases, for which, then cures become feasible and eminent. This system constitutes a foundation for all scientific/medical disciplines of futuristic research.


CAPSULE A, PATENT NO. US 8,491,495 B1  Human Intestinal Tract Research and Diagnostic System to Evaluate Patients and Advance Medical Science and Bioengineering and to Determine Processes in the Gut and Causes of Diseases   7-23-2013 

This capsule is designed to obtain simultaneously gut microbe species and their byproducts along the entire GI tract, such that a global understanding, and perhaps model, of the many roles of the gut microbiome. Numerous and different processes occur along the entire gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract, or gut) of all animals. The processes taking place downstream are functions of what happens upstream, and in a cascade manner. While knowledge has been gained on processes and magnitudes of some variables within discrete portions of the gut, there is no known variable for which continuous data are available within the gut. Such discontinuities render most of the processes and their variables along the gut guesswork at best. Capsule A, is a device, process, and methodology that permits several variables of the gut to be monitored continuously, and other critical ones on a fine grid such that continuous interpolation of data is relatively precise. This means that every conceivable gut process variable can be plotted from x = 0 to x = L for the first time in history of mankind. Such a graph constitutes a profile. In addition, these hundreds of graphs include microbe species/strains and the chemical substances they are associated with for a variety of reasons. Therefore, each human will have unique profiles, but commonality in various ways that are significant in bracketing and diagnostics to lead to accelerated treatment and cures. This constitutes a new tool for gastroenterologists to scope the entire GI tract in a holistic manner, overcoming the limitations of colonoscopy, and endoscopy, among others. 


CAPSULE B, PATENT NO.  US 8,915,863 B2  In Vivo Device and method for Researching GI Tract Processes, Microbes, and Variables Associated with illnesses and Diseases   12-23-2014

Capsule B is a research tool, methodology, and an interactive system to explore, discover, identify, and characterize cause and effect relationships of all types, ranging from food allergies and autoimmune system responses to drug effects, and elimination of symptoms and causes of diseases.  Capsule B can deliver substances and deploy them at any point x and time t, thus, has the capability to perturb the autoimmune system and measure responses at any point x and time t in the gut, thereby totally eliminating the mixing pot methodology of analyzing expelled feces, which can never lead to accurate conclusions because of the trillions of probabilities for any one test, and by virtue of mixing, destruction of evidence of point-specific phenomena. This methodology also eliminates all of the enumerable problems of administering drugs that must pass through the stomach and enter the body over a long distributed path of 25′ with distributed implications including loss of gradient, concentration, and integrity of drugs.  Every person’s gut is unique!  12-23-2014


CAPSULE C, US 8,926,526 B2  Patient In Vivo Gut Diagnostic and Treatment Tool   1-06-2015         

Capsule C is a patient diagnostic and treatment system.  Instead of being tested and having drugs administered and waiting days, weeks or months for often inconclusive results, or being subjected to expensive, painful, or discomforting invasive procedures, Capsule C, like A and B, is no more uncomfortable than swallowing an olive and waiting in a convenient and comfortable environment for data to flow by telemetry continuously into a computerized monitoring system.  Data in real time are analyzed and compared with data from Capsules A, and B, and decisions are made in real time as to where and when to deploy and apply treatment measures specifically designed following information obtained from A and B before Capsule C is administered. At such time as Capsule C is administered, substances on board in C are applied at the exact points within the gut in their original concentration and undisturbed form. In this manner, there is no degradation of applied substances, and there are no side effects, such as antibiotic destruction of good bacteria, in any other part of the gut or human body based upon entrance from any other location in the gut except the exact point of deployment. In particular, good microbes or autoimmune system monitors in other parts of the gut or body are not affected. Subsequent follow up tests, if deemed necessary, can be administered using Capsules A or B to determine the characteristics of success with the first administration of substances using C. All of the procedures are accomplished without significant risks, pain, discomfort, or inconvenience to patient, and minimal cost for the healthcare. This methodology can be applied to any part of the GI Tract.  

US 9,215,997 B2 In Vivo Technology System for Human Gut Research, Diagnostics and Treatment   12-22-2015

The necessary research, exploration, discovery, personal diagnostics and treatments to discover disease causes without this system and methodology would be totally impossible, cost prohibitive, and hospital facility time-wise impractical, even if it were technically feasible in a lab or hospital.  Each of these capsules can be taken and the patient can relax in a monitoring station room of comfort without enduring any invasive procedure and associated discomfort of preps, such as, for endoscopy or colonoscopies. In many of the procedures the patient can just go home and return in a couple of days with a wearable computer based data acquisition and monitoring system. The technical merits of this system are unprecedented in all of medical gut science and engineering because the system being studied is not disturbed in any way and the normal processes of the GI tract proceed normally such that the exact locations and times of malfunctions and their characteristics can be sampled, monitored, analyzed and treated. That is, the capsules are inert and unobtrusive unless commanded. The system not only promises to allow discoveries of causes and cures for some 53 diseases with origins in the gut, but increase the knowledge level of human gut digestive processes decades to centuries ahead of any other conceivable healthcare methodology. Such knowledge of microbial based digestive processes may lead to many other non-medical technologies beneficial to civilization, as well as, healthcare for all other animals.




A special gut microbe and their chemical substances-byproducts simultaneously sampling technology, utilizes swallowable capsules for the purpose of determining roles each gut microbe strain/species among the 1,000 to 3,000 estimated, plays in creating all the byproducts that are consumed by other downstream microbes in a cascade manner, that become biochemical endotoxins at different gut locations, which in turn drive the autoimmune system into a frenzy, leading to numerous inflammatory symptoms and diseases, for instance. These processes are believed to lead to different named diseases in the respective neurological, cardiovascular, skeletal, and other systems. Prime suspect diseases include Autism, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s dementia, Crohn’s, IBS, “Gluten Sensitivities”, Celiac, Inflammatory Arthritis, etc. This process should also discover other microbe roles, such as creating impermeable boundary layer gel habitats that selectively filter molecular diverse substances, and encapsulate the villi and microvilli, leading to nutrient deficiencies and malnutrition-based diseases in different organs over years. Ultimately, this system capability should create a full gut microbiome profile throughout the gut and facilitate such research as communications between the gut and brain and various neural network systems and the roles of microbe strains in such communications. 


It should be understood that most all the hypotheses stated herein are just that, without experimental verification by the inventor, but heavily weighted upon extensive literature and state-of-the-art medical research publications with their research methodologies being individually scrutinized. The herein described 5-patent based system is under development.  It is noteworthy that many of the subject diseases with origin in the gut are household names, but normally without any association by the general public as to the causes having their origin in the gut, and especially the roles microbe strains play in specific diseases. Some of these diseases are believed to include: Alzheimer, dementia, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alopecia, obesity, inflammation, Autism, cancer, Crohn’s, IBS, allergies, various immune system, and organ nutrient vitamin and mineral deficiency-based diseases, and many others in addition to the numerous obvious GI tract diseases, such as, IBS, diarrhea, acid reflux, bloating after a meal, etc. Due to the coincidental variable phenomena, many diseases through current research methodology are attributed to the wrong cause, such as, Total Parenteral Nutrition disease being associated with genetics, but given a parental intestinal transplant, the disease is cured. Microbes associated with the mother birth canal often confuse coincidental variables such as genetics. Thus, the coincidental nature of many diseases  individually with other symptoms, diseases, genetics, etc., carries a traumatic impact upon medical research based only upon statistical studies, because of the nature of the microbes and their byproducts and their contributions as unknown variables that are never included in statistical based research models, because they are unknown, renders maybe as much as 75% of medical research “studies” today based upon false hypotheses, premises, and experiment designs, which translates to billions of dollars wasted each year in the U. S. alone. This system creates a new world of multidisciplinary research opportunities. Such places a measure of value on the implications of these inventions.

For more information, please visit: 

Dr. Shuck’s Website 

Contact Dr. Shuck:

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