Title: Senior Director of Streaming and Video Operations
Company: Paramount
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Jermaine Eugene Hemby, Senior Director of Streaming and Video Operations at Paramount, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Engineers for dedication, achievements, and leadership in Digital Media.
Mr. Hemby, a seasoned professional in digital media, has been the senior director of streaming and video operations at Paramount in Burbank, California, since 2019. His role involves managing and supporting the company’s streaming and video operations, enhancing viewer experiences and establishing a solid foundation to ensure longevity within the industry.
In this constantly evolving field, particularly regarding artificial intelligence, Mr. Hemby has focused heavily on continuously enhancing his expertise to remain ahead of the curve. Before joining Paramount, he was a technical support engineer at Wowza Media Systems from 2016 to 2018. Mr. Hemby also excelled in other roles with the National Football League, Piksel Inc., KIT Digital, and several other organizations dating back to 2006.
In preparation for his future, Mr. Hemby received a Bachelor of Science in computer science from Winston-Salem State University in 2006 and a Master of Science in computer science with a concentration in networking from Georgia State University in 2016. Besides his education, he is active in the Content Delivery and Security Association. Throughout his career, Mr. Hemby has prioritized continuous learning while being approachable and supportive. Eager for the future, he intends to continue adapting and expanding his knowledge base, crediting his success thus far to these critical factors.
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